Why would a sculptor who paints want to visit the dry barren west side of Spain called Estremadura?
In my case I was following the thread back from the rape of the Mayan and Inca people to the source. I wanted to see where these guys came from. It was this desolate country that gave birth to Cortez, Pizarro and the rest of the Conquistadores. In one respect the whole conquest was a venture of desperation on their part . Most were bastard sons of wealthy men and because of that they has no chance for a good life in their home villages. By becoming adventurers in the new world it would end up one of two ways. They would come back wealthy or stay there dead. It was a chance they were willing to take.
When you get inside the original walls of Trujllio or Caceres you really go back to the 1500’s.
Not much has changed.. but.. when you realize that nothing of the modern town was there in the time all you can see is a small walled fortresses on the top of a hill and nothing… nothing between them for miles.
Pizarro came from Trujillo. He was almost 50 by the time he. 3 half brothers and others from the area, began the conquest of Peru . He died there but one of the brothers returned a wealthy man with a half Inca woman as his bride, He build the first stone mansion outside of the wall and it became the corner stone of what is now the Plaza Mayor. Once his palace was build other wealthy patrons of the town followed suit and thus began the expansion out of the walls. That’s the way all of the Spanish towns grew. They expanded from the top and down the hill to the plains. Homes were built rich to poor like a stone being dropped into a pond.
Caceres is now a national treasure. The original part in the center of the town has been restored to perfection and surprisingly is still an active government center. It is beautiful and has the ability to transport you to another time.
If you have ever seen a medieval film… it was probably shot there.
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