This sale brought to my attention the fact that the internet may work after all. [:-)

This sale brought to my attention the fact that the internet may work after all

Rodrigo   oil   24″x 30″

When you consider that I cut my teeth in print during the 50’s and 60’s this electronic world is relatively new to me. Although I sometimes come into it kicking and screaming my sons are slowly convincing me that there is a whole world out there that can be reached with the click of a mouse.

Although most of the people who are following my website are within a day trip drive of the gallery the stats are showing me that I have viewers throughout North America, in the UK and Europe.  Yes. I’m surprised. Welcome all.

I have always had collectors across the county but they have found their way to my gallery in Virginia; some by accident for this is an unusual place to have a gallery of this size, and some by intent because they have been collecting my work for years.

What I haven’t paid enough attention to is all of you who are out there who cannot make the trip but who might want to have one of my pieces in your collection.

Enter the internet from stage right.

If you see anything on the site that catches your eye and you would like more information and a larger photo send me an email to and we can begin a conversation. Fed EX can and has delivered my work anywhere.

Thank you for following the site.

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