The opening reception for my new show took place last weekend before the arrival of that huge storm; it was well received by those who were able to make it.
The 3D paintings attracted a lot of attention and many questions; which is exactly what I had hoped for. They are different from anything most have seen across the art spectrum. One couple mentioned that the more they looked at them the more they were drawn into the work. Fantastic.
On the opposite wall were the paintings from the Sheffield series. What could not be missed were the 5 footers in oil. The jump in scale brought more than a few questions and interest from as far away as the Berkshires.
Weather has not always been a friend of mine when it comes to openings so I’m used to rain and snow. If you came away unscathed and can use a way to relax after fighting “Sandy”, come on over and see the show. It will be up until further notice.
The gallery is open from 10AM to 4PM on Saturdays but that is only a small part of the story. I live and work in the building so I’m really open 7 days a week on demand. If you are in town just ring the bell or call ahead at your convenience and I’ll be waiting for you. 540-672-2400.
The 3D series is exquisite. Your integration of color, texture and form elevates these works to an entirely new level of esthetic.